Harnessing Advanced AI for Healthcare


New computational resources allow forward thinking entities to create efficient, ever improving solutions founded on data management and processing never before imagined.



Acuity will provide healthcare professionals with comprehensive information about their patients including all medical records located on the QHIN certified HIE, prioritize them using our health index. And finally to be able to review and append these records in a mobile platform.

We want to help providers review the latest health records on ANY individual:

Problem list. Allergies

Medications Immunizations

Labs/Vitals Goals

Allergies Care Team Members

Procedures / Imaging Health Status

Encounters Clinical Notes

The continuous health Index from 3 tranches of data (problems, labs, vitals) helps prioritize patients in a gesture-based navigation UX to quickly review and append necessary health records separate from the EHR. The QHIN network seamlessly connects back to the provider’s EHR to document the append. Providers will have a longitudinal view of an individual’s health and wellness. With a granular views of individual healthcare, healthcare providers can identify trends, develop targeted interventions, and improve health outcomes for their patient population.


Our platform empowers individuals to take control of their health with by helping bridge the divide between providers and patients. We will to provide remote patient monitoring devices to patients to allow for direct ongoing monitoring of common vital signs in the home. We will then move to a robust platform specifically for the patients which will includes these metrics a whole lot more.